Author: serena
Bread of Life
as best as i remember it … as he shared his dream with me
have you ever had someone tell you they had a dream about you? a dream with meaning?
it was a first for me. but here is Joe’s dream from quite some time ago and how i see it playing out now.
“I want that one” were my words in his dream. we were driving along with a young boy in the backseat, my nephew?, and we had stopped at a yard sale. I was looking at some pretty glasses or goblets and chose one.
Joe seemed to think that the dream had special significance and it related to my search for what was next in life. I did apply for two jobs in the same organization and after the interviews, i felt drawn to one job and not the other. Thankfully, that was the one that I was eventually offered … and now here i am one year after starting the job and perhaps two years after the dream …
God is faithful to grant us the desires of our hearts and to provide for all our needs. Sometimes we are even blessed with choices and with getting the sparkly, cool things that catch our eye!
Be Still
Be Still AND Know that I am God
He is Worthy
Chincha Peru 2008
Word for the Year
So, I’ve been trying to come up with a theme for 2012. Will this be a year of adventure … love … journey … how can i fit it into just one word? God has taught me so much in 2011 and I am eager to see what 2012 will bring. He is teaching me to wait on him, to trust him in all things, and to love wholeheartedly. The year 2011 was a year of travel and transition. I am so eager to be done with transition, to be in a more permanent home and to be settled.
In my childhood, if we asked my mother what was for dessert, she would sometimes answer “Wait and See.” Sometimes I think that God says that to us as well. We are eager to know the future, but our wise parent knows that we don’t need to know everything in advance and that some things are better as surprises.
So my theme, at least for now, is EXPECTATION! I eagerly await the unfurling of His Plan for this year.
Life is a mystery. We cannot see the bigger pattern. According to author and speaker, Richard Rohr, life is a river. He asks an interesting question, “Are you trying to change the course of the river? Or are you in the river?” So often our focus is on how we can change things instead of simply living in the moment. One of my favorite expressions I learned in college during a LaVida trip with Rich Obenschain …. “BE HERE NOW!” It means that we should soak up every moment and enjoy life. Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 God wants us to be able to experience all that He has for us in each moment. Life is so often about “letting go.” Let the river carry you. Trust that God is in control.
Quote From Richard Rohr on Contemplative Prayer
The importance of Interior Design
Found this quote in a Dick Francis mystery [Enquiry] and it articulated something for me. “The kitchen was white and brown and copper and yellow. The colors pleased me. Colors gave me the sort of mental food I imagined others got from music. I disliked too much music, loathed the type of stuff you couldn’t escape in restaurants and airliners, didn’t own a record player, and much preferred silence.”
I love silence and solitude; and particularly in a place that is aesthetically pleasing … light and bright, pretty colors, comfortable furnishings. My surroundings are important to me. But I often wonder if I am alone in this. The fact that an author describes me so well is enlightening. There are others out there for whom environs is key.