
I completed my goal of bicycling the Schuylykill River Trail this summer over the course of several different rides … parking my car at one site, biking 4-6 miles then back to the car and then choosing a different location for my next ride.  From the Art Museum to the end is about 22 miles … I did some sections more than once on rides with various family members.  I also did a portion of the Audubon Trail and the Wissahickon Trail.  For the most part it is a pleasant trail… wide and 95% paved. I got to enjoy various portions of the trail with both my daughters, my husband, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and two nephews and one niece.  Next year perhaps I will attempt to do the whole trail in one ride.  Our longest ride was 14 miles just last weekend.  It’s great to live so close to a nice public recreation area.

Stop and Smell the Roses

This could be a philosophy of life, but today I just want to talk more about the particular smell of a particular place.  On my bike today I stopped to look at all the boats moored in the bay and noticed the smell of honeysuckle, beach roses [rosa rugosa], salt water, and seaweed on the rocks.  I think even the sand of this island has its own distinctive smell.  The trees themselves smell familiar.  Each house has its own fragrance.

So often in life we don’t take time to notice our surroundings, let alone the smells.  God gave so many sensory clues to remind us to “Be Here Now”, to live in the moment.  I’m currently reading Love at Last Sight which is about building stronger relationships.  In it I am confronted with my habit of only half listening as my daughter talks to me.  I need to slow down, stop and focus on what she is saying, look her in the eyes.  When I look at her she knows how much I value her and love her.

On my way home I saw something completely random; there was a man fishing in the field beside the elementary school.  A peaceful spot, but the bay was teeming with fish just 1/2 mile away.  I suppose he was practicing his casting, or perhaps trying out some new rods.


Some great poetry is found in the Psalms.  Psalm 1 talks about those who read the Bible … and love the words so much that they think about them all the time.  They are described “like trees growing beside a steam, trees that produce fruit in season and always have leaves.” [Contemporary English Version v.2-3]

What is your focus in life; what do you think about day and night?  God, our Creator, has a purpose for us and desires to be in relationship with us.  Francis Chan says, “God wants His Word to be a delight to us, so much so that we meditate on it day and night.”    Some of my favorite Psalms are: 1, 8, 23, and 100.  Don’t have a Bible?  You can read online at or go to any bookstore and look for a modern translation such as the New International Version or a paraphrase such as the CEV.  That image is so inviting; don’t you want to be that tree refreshed by the stream producing fruit and flowers and providing cool shade?

Spiritual Health

Just read an interesting article on Soul Care from Christian Leadership Alliance.  The article talked about the many ways you can feed your soul.  With so many options for spiritual nutrition, it’s easy to burn out on the spiritual disciplines by overloading your plate with too many spiritual activities.  The author, Stephen Macchia,  suggested that you major on the majors by focusing on Scripture, prayer, and reflection.  I was particularly struck by this, “the recipe for vitality included three basic ingredients: time and space set apart to receive the gift of God’s Word, the joy of prayerful communion with the Trinity, and the gratitude of the heart that emerges from personal reflection on life.”


Do you have a special place; somewhere that feeds your soul? Where do you feel most at home? What kind of atmosphere resonates with who you are? Is it mountains or beaches, cities or small towns, rivers or meadows? What feels like home? When are you most relaxed? 

For me it’s a small seaside town that I have visited every year of my life. There is some indefinable quality about this place that feels like home. Architectural styles, beaches, bumpy roads, boats in the harbor, all speak to me of rest and relaxation. I come to visit and leave feeling refreshed, but long for the day when I don’t have to leave.


This morning as I got ready for the day, I noticed the cat in the middle of the floor. I stopped for a moment, despite my busy-ness, and sat on the bedroom carpet. The cat, Sox, climbed in my lap and relished my attention, purring. We had been away a few days and the kitty just wanted to spend time with me. It struck me that this is how our time with God should be. We just want to be with Him. To relax in His presence and enjoy Him. To be still.

Musings on Turning 49

How did I get here so fast?  Seems like just yesterday I was in my 30’s.  Raising small children … now they are almost grown.  My life in these last few years has mostly revolved around the kids and their school activities and my work.  Soon we will enter a new season – about the time I turn 50 our youngest will graduate high school.  One more year in which to impart our faith and values so that she will stand strong in an increasingly crazy world. 

I feel young in some ways, yet glad for the years and experiences and all that God has taught me.  And so thankful for His grace in my life … may it continue to make me more grace-filled.  I’m so glad that with God we are continually growing.  That He is ever patient with us and wills us to grow in love and mercy.  May my life shine with joy and peace in order to bring Him honor and glory.

I am thankful for my family and good friends who celebrated with me and made me feel special.  I love my life!

from a PC to a Mac

Well I’m really excited about my new Mac, but it’s definitely not ‘apples to apples’ … there is a learning curve here and some work in transferring all the files.  I’m still trying to figure out how everything works on this machine, but I think I’m gonna love it. 

Now if I could just figure out how to make more hours in my day to get everything done … end of school year for my high schooler, picking up my daughter from her freshman year at college [road trip anyone?], work, summer vacation plans, summer camps and summer jobs, managing a household, volunteering, etc.  How does any working mom get it all done?

I love my life, but sometimes sleep is the thing that gets sacrificed!